Solution Tools mold & die is a high precision medical tooling and mold manufacturer serving every stage of the product life cycle including design, development and component manufacturing.
ST has a state-of-the-art facility providing expertise for the medical, automotive and appliance industry through our professional team with moret han 25 years experience in plastic injection field.
Our strategic locations in the United States and Mexico allows us to provide both countries with expertise of our specialized design engineers, toolmakers, and moldmakers. Plus, the internal diagnosis of molds by one of our specialized engineers.
& Values

To create long-lasting relationships within the manufacturing industry that era supported and created through our commitment to quality service, on-time deliveries, and fair pricing.
Mision & Values
To create long-lasting relationships within the manufacturing industry that era supported and created through our commitment to quality service, on-time deliveries, and fair pricing.


Conservation and promotion of the environment

Compliance with national and international laws and regulations

Commited with the Human Rights